Powered Wheelchairs
At All Powered Mobility, we assist individuals to obtain a power wheelchair covered by insurance. Anyone who struggles with mobility, or accomplishing daily tasks, may be eligible for insurance assistance.
How it Works:
Step 1) We gather your insurance information and check your benefits. When you call us at 941-625-0103, have your complete name, address, phone number, Date of Birth along with your Medicare and any other supplemental insurance ID numbers. We will also need your primary doctors name and phone number so that we may contact them for office notes of your last visit.
Step 2) After you have been cleared, our Assistive Technology Professional (ATP), will come to your home for a free home assessment to evaluate your needs and your environment. We will need to see the client sitting in a chair so we can get body measurements. We must also complete a Home Assessment that includes measuring bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. It is at this time we may chose to bring out a powerchair for you to try.
Step 3) Next we will make an appointment with you and your caregiver to meet with our doctor via Telemedicine. We will come back out to your home at the designated appointment time with our computer which we will then use to Video Conference with our doctors and staff. We will NOT be using your doctor. This appointment is usually scheduled within a week of our initial visit with our client. Allow at least one hour.
Step 4) After all paperwork has been received back from the doctor (usually within two weeks) if all goes well we will submit to Medicare for their Prior Approval, which Medicare requires. After submission, Medicare usually makes a determination within one week. After an Approved status, we schedule delivery of your powerchair.
If possible, it would be helpful if you took a picture of any insurance cards and emailed them directly to [email protected].
If you are wanting to go thru insurance, when browsing our mobility products look for:
Merits Velocity Powerchair and the Merits Vision CF Powerchair. these are the only two models we presently bill to insurance. The patients condition will determine which chair is most appropriate for them. We will NOT provide and inappropriate powerchair to a patient. Our ATP professional and the doctor will determine which is best.
Please feel free to call us with any questions or take a look at mobility products in our catalog.